
package design

When travelers go on leisure trips to other countries, new sensory experiences stimulate their various senses. Thus, collecting souvenirs will help travelers reminisce about the unique memories they had in traveling. I want to design customizable graphic design products that allow the users to record their personal impressions about various travel destinations.

I intend to design a souvenir that should be created by the travelers’ handwork. Handmade souvenirs will have meaningful and unique characteristics, and bring people closer to the memories and experiences they have in specific places.

I tried to challenge the traditional way of recording the memories by replacing concrete and traditional recording tools (e.g. video, images, and words) with abstract visual language (e.g. colors and geometric shapes).



instruction book | 产品说明书

Crossi includes all the tools you need for cross-stitching (scissors, needle and thread, tic-tac-toe, samples), as well as some drawing paper and watercolor pens. Users can create while traveling anytime, anywhere. If the user does not know how to draw a cross-stitch picture, the Crossi APP can be used to convert the photo into a cross-stitch reference picture, and then sew according to the instructions. Users can order Crossi suits limited to some famous travel purposes on the official website before travel, and the patterns in the suits will have local characteristics (for example, the sample I created is the Crossi suit limited to travel in Yunnan. For travel destinations without limited suits , users can assemble the accessories on the official website by themselves to create a unique Crossi cross-stitch suit.

Crossi中包含十字绣所需要的所有工具(剪刀、针线、井字布、样图),以及一些绘图纸和水彩笔。用户可以随时随地在旅行中进行创作。如果用户不知道如何绘制十字绣图,可用Crossi APP将照片转换为十字绣参考图,然后根据说明书进行缝制。用户可以在旅行前在官网上预定部分著名旅行目的限定的Crossi套装,套装内的图样会具有当地特色(例如我所创作的样品便是云南旅行限定的Crossi套装。对于没有限定套装的旅行目的地,用户可以自行在官网上进行配件组装,搭配出独一无二的Crossi十字绣套装。